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Global Tours » Singapore Tour

Students Participated in Global Exposure Interactive Tour to Singapore

Name Branch
Aayush Gupta ME
Apurva Bhave ME
Asmita Rahatgaonkar ETC
Deepak Khothari ME
Ishan Mishra CE
Krutika Lade ME
Kunal Sharma ME
Mohnish Paul EE
Pawan Nemade CIVIL
Pooja Waghule ETC
Pragya Khandagale EE
Swati Waghule ETC
Name Branch
Ankita Ramteke EC
Ashish Vaidya ETRX
Gaurav Yadav EC
Gayatri Kalele EC
Neha Vishwekar CSE
Pallavi Bisen EC
Piyush Abhyankar EC
Rajeev Verma CSE
Rasika Thool EC
Sanket Charde EC
Saurabh Dawle EC
Shivani Yadav EC
Swapnila Athavale EC
Vishwas Chopde EC
Yogesh Bahal CSE
Name Branch
Akhilesh Palandurkar CSE
Ashlesha Panbude ET
Gargee Anjikar CSE
Kasturi Patil ET
Parag Bhalerao ET
Roopam Choudhary ET
Sayali Baxy ET

Global Exposure Interactive Tour of MGI students to Singapore

Global Exposure tour for the students of Meghe Group of Institutions was conducted from 8th March to 13th March 2011. The group led by Prof PT Karule, Prof Archana Shrivastava and Prof Rakhi Khedikar consisted of 34 students from Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, NYSS College of Engineering & Research and SVSS College of Engineering & Research. This would go a long way in making them globally competent. Students visited National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) and industries like MacGreen Singapore Pte Ltd and Harley Davidson Singapore Pte Ltd. Students had a campus tour of the universities and saw labs and projects of the students. They interacted with the students and faculties and got to know about the various programs and opportunities offered to students in the universities.

At MacGreen they attended talk on pre-placement preparation, HR policies and expectation from the fresh Engineering graduates and career planning.

Students acknowledged that the tour had served its every purpose towards making them globally competent and understanding competency requirements which will help in being globally competent engineering graduate.

Global Exposure Interactive tour will be a regular feature for MGI students. Next tour for the students is planned in August 2011.


Ishan N. Mishra
8th Sem, Comp. Tech., YCCE

Our Singapore Tour spanned a period of six days inclusive of travel, from March 8, 2011 to March 13, 2011. We reached Singapore on the 9th of March. It was a pleasant and comfortable journey under the capable guidance of the faculty members accompanying us, namely and respectively, Mrs. Rakhi Khedikar, Mrs. Archana Shrivastava and Mr. Karole.

March 10, 2011: Visit to Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

We reached NTU around 11 am. We were greeted by Mr. Amit Jain, followed by a seminar on the various prospects and opportunities available in the corporate world. The address also included information on how Singapore figures as a study destination and the admission process as NTU. I personally interacted with the representative professor at NTU regarding PG MBA admissions and was tutored that job experience is a strong pre-requisite for an MBA, “only if you have experienced the job scenario will you bring something to the table” was the argument offered to me.

After the address we toured the NTU campus but didn't visit the classes or labs as the studies were already in progress, and we were already slightly late on schedule. We had a group photo then lunch at the sprawling NTU canteen. After leaving the sight of the magnificently quadrangular NTU campus building, we left for Macgreen.

March 10, 2011: Visit to Macgreen IT Company

We were given an informative seminar on enormous opportunities for individuals desirous of settling down and pursuing a businesses or any other career for that matter in Singapore. We learned that Macgreen Company provides “green”, that is, environmentally affable technological solutions for various modern-day products and services. The most important thing I personally learned from the seminar was that instead of just going after the salary prospects of a job, the expenditure that would be incurred while staying at the job location should be weighed down first. Only after that the true returns can be computed.

March 11, 2011: Visit to Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)

We started our visit at MDIS with a tour of the campus, accompanied by Indian representatives there. It was a great experience to get to see a foreign educational institute in such depth. We also got to visit the labs, interact with the faculty and were given a half hour-long presentation on the opportunities available at MDIS, plus MDIS brochures, followed by lunch at the multi-cuisine campus canteen. Singapore as a study destination again solidified its place in our minds.

March 11, 2011: Industrial visit to Harley Davidson, Singapore

Visiting the swanky showroom with motorbikes high on tech was an enthralling experience. We got an up-close-and –personal look at the mean machines most only dream of seeing and were also minutely furnished by the sales department personnel on the technology that goes behind crafting these motor-based monstrosities. It was particularly engaging for all of us tech-savvy boys in the group. Thanks to our teachers for planning this eleventh-hour visit after our scheduled visit to Newater was annulled.

March 12, 2011: Visit to National University of Singapore (NUS)

We visited NUS during its Open House, i.e, a couple of days or more of events, functions and seminars organized within the university which give information basically on the admission process and prospects in the university. We witnessed an hour-long such seminar on the UG admissions. NUS students have, over the course of their study period, made stopovers at institutes such as NASA as a part of industrial training. One very interesting ingredient of the education system at NUS for me was the chance to pursue a double-degree, for example, if someone wanted to do PG in Management after their Engineering, they could instead pursue a 5-year course inclusive of both curriculums which would in turn offer them both degrees.

Then we visited the various halls within the campus where there were various stalls detailing admissions into different branches. Following that was a tour of the campus.

March 13, 2011: We returned from Singapore, more self-aware, evidently more confident and with an even wider knowledge base as far as international education is concerned.

Acknowledgments: Almost all of us have realized that the Singapore Global Exposure Tour has served its every purpose toward us and made us more competent, even if marginally so, and for those of us that have not, they will realize it in the near future. The tour was beneficial in many more ways than one, and provided Global Exposure in the most apt sense of the two words.

Thanks to Rakhi Ma'am, Archana Ma'am and Karole Sir, for guiding us throughout the tour. A big thank you to my college YCCE and the Meghe Group of Institutions as a whole for managing the tour. I am personally exceedingly proud to have been a part of this first ever, and as yet one of its kind global exposure tour organized by the International Relations Office (IRO) at Meghe Group of Institutions (MGI). I can firmly say that if this was not my final year at college, I would have gone on all future such tours organized by MGI, and would advise as many of my juniors as I can on doing so.

Yogesh Bahal [CSE 3rd year, SVSSCER]

The tour was great as we got know the way global university works and the exposure might help us in the future for our further studies as well as job opportunities. Moreover the Mcgreen lecture gave us a clear view of how to choose our job n get on right track. It was overall very helpful for all students and we are looking forward for such trips in future also.

Rajeev N. Verma [CSE 3rd year, SVSSCER]

It was a nice educational, informative as well as enjoyable tour. It really helped us to gain knowledge about the global scenario about education and the lifestyle of the people residing there. Such tours should be undertaken in future for the growth of global knowledge in the students.

Piyush Abhyankar [EC 3rd year, SVSSCER]

The Knowledge I got from the MDIS was worthful. The way their faculty members guided us, I also mention the name, Sheila Mam and Shivajee Dewangan Sir, It was really appreciable and a special word of praise for Archana Mam, She guided us extremely well.